Zane Smith & Barry Crowe with Reetuns Red Tornado & Reetuns Iron Duke as puppies.

Zane Smith with Brian Grattidge (Karjobri - UK)

Zane Smith showing CH Catastrofes Touch Of Heaven - Canadian National Specialty

Left: CH. Angranian Derry Mucker
Middle: CH. Crossguns Black Eyed Pea
Right: INT.CH. Cumhil Hellraiser

At age 14, Zane Smith handling Legendary Cordon Bleu at the Western Staffordshire Bull Terrier Society show on December 4, 1977 in Los Angeles, CA.

Zane Smith, at age 18, handling Parkstaff Game Lord in England in 1981.

Zane Smith with UK CH. Karjobri Black Pepper in 1981 in England
Pepper won BOB at CRUFTS

Zane Smith showing Game Lad in England.

Zane Smith in Yorkshire, England in 1981 with Brian Owen and his dog, Brindles Lord and Vira Berry with her UK CH. Staff McMichael

Zane Smith pictured with Int.Ch. Reetuns Lord Jim on the Front Cover of
National Dog Magazine (May/June 1979)
Showing in the 1980's, the Ch. lineup included in picture:

Left to Right:
CH. El Macho of Los Gatos, handled by Woody Wornall; Karen Jacuzzi with CH. Magnus Perciville Rose; Zane Smith with CH. Bullseye Red Renegade; Brenda Kudray with CH. Rellim Brother Love (behind judge) and Jean Treadway with CH. Barzaks Lady Barbara

CH. Legendary Beat Goes On
SBTCA National Specialty Best In Show
Shown winning here /owner/handled by Zane Smith at Devon Dog Show

Zane Smith is pictured at 14 years old, showing his first Stafford, CH. Piltdown Miss Equal in 1977 to finish her Championship.

BACK ROW (from left to right)
Gerald Westwood (NETHERTONIAN); Albert Wood (REETUNS); Jo Hemstock (JOLIHEM); Zane Smith; Derek Smart (WARDRUM); Vera Westwood (NETHERTONIAN); Harry Robinson (HAMASON); Ken Fensom (PITBUL); Malcolm Boam (FULFIN - and owner of UK CH Black Tusker) George Walton (WALSTAF)
FRONT ROW (from left to right)
John Turner (JONUNAS); Clare Lee & Tony Lee (CONSTONES);
and Joyce Shorrock (EASTAFF)

Zane showing INT.CH. Catastrofes Touch Of Heaven (Paavo)
at the 2002 SBTC of Canada National Specialty
Judge: Clare Lee (Constones - UK)
Paavo was the Top Stafford In Finland and was an American, Canadian,
Danish & Swedish CH. as well.
He finished in Canadian Ch. in one weekend at the National specialty shows.

INT.CH. Catastrofes Touch Of Heaven winning Best of Breed at the
2003 Montgomery County KC show under International Judge Harry O'Donahue (Ireland). Handled by Zane Smith, and Shannon, Huston, Keelin & Alexis Smith being a part as well!

CH. Bullseye Status Symbol,
bred by Zane Smith is featured
on the Front Cover of the Pounds & Rant book (1991)